Jumping Bunnies Classroom
Ages 12 months - 36 months
Lead Teacher Shelby Haugh
Assistant Teacher Tara O'Hare
We are more than a babysitting facility. We are a school that is committed to providing a nurturing, safe environment. Our focus is on developing social skills, meeting developmental needs, and providing educational training using quality curriculum for children ages 12 months to 3 years. Studies indicate that children who receive this early learning education perform better in school and adjust better socially.
It is our belief that children learn best by being active participants in the learning process. Each child develops at his/her own pace and schedule. The Center will be a place where children are free to engage in exploration of their environment. We will strive to make their environment full of rich learning experiences. Many hands-on learning opportunities will be made available to them. Playtime is cherished as an integral part of their daily experience. We will provide a nurturing, caring and safe environment where children are free to be themselves. Independence is encouraged. Teachers will respect each child’s unique abilities, learning styles, and developmental pace.
We will strive to provide a program that works at developing the whole child that is both process and content focused. Our Program will help all the children in our care to develop their full potential in all developmental domains: cognitive, physical, social, emotional, language, musical & spatial.
Parents are the child’s first teachers and are encouraged to continue taking part in their education by being available in ways that benefit their child at the Center. Volunteering time and communicating regularly with the teachers are two ways parents can be supportive of the work at the Center. Parents who stay actively involved in their children’s education help their children be successful and help the learning environment be optimal as well.